the first post of mine
A short memo to describe procedure how to host blog on github.
github configuration
Let’s create public key and private key.
$ ssh-keygen
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
They are yielded under ~/.ssh directory or under current working directory in case that you do not specify its path.
$ file *
id_rsa.github: PEM RSA private key OpenSSH RSA public key
Configure ssh so that newly created private key will be applied for access against github.
~/.ssh$ more config
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa.github
User git
Deploy public key on github.
$ xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/
Now let’s make a test connection to github.
$ ssh -v -T
Let’s install git command.
$ sudo apt-get install git
Configure user name and e-mail address for github,
$ git config --global <USERNAME>
$ git config --global <YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS>
which will be reflected into .gitconfig file under home directory.
name = <USERNAME>
Enable password cache so as to avoid repetition of password input.
$ git config --global credential.helper cache
$ git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'
These configurations will be reflected int .gitconfig file as well. Or you can write it by hand. (maybe)
helper = cache --timeout=3600
tinkerer configuration
You can install tinkerer with pip command.
$ sudo pip install tinkerer
This command execution will install dependent modules like sphinx if not there. The installed version (on ubuntu 13.04) is as follows:
$ tinker -v
Tinkerer version 1.2.1
Create local directory to host blog.
$ mkdir blog
Execute tinker command (not tinkerer) with setup option.
$ tinker --setup
Your new blog is almost ready!
You just need to edit a couple of lines in
$ tree .
├── _static
├── _templates
│ ├── page.rst
│ └── post.rst
├── drafts
├── index.html
└── master.rst
Configure configuration file, (same as sphinx’s one) according to your appetite.
$ diff
< project = 'My blog'
> project = "sakana"
< tagline = 'Add intelligent tagline here'
> tagline = 'short memo by SkyHigh71'
< author = 'Winston Smith'
> author = 'SkyHigh71'
< copyright = '1984, ' + author
> copyright = '2013-, ' + author
< website = ''
> website = ''
That’s all you have to configure upon initial configuration on local side. And you can modify parameter(s) later on.
Create a new repository named <>, e.g.) on github.
On the other hand, create local directory to host HTML files for publication.
$ mkdir publish
$ cd publish
$ git init
$ git remote add origin
github URL will be reflected in config file under .git directory.
[remote "origin"]
url =
Disable jekyll.
$ touch .nojekyll
write up a post and publish it
tinker command will create a RST file under YYYY/MM/DD directory:
Start preparation for post frst as draft. This will create rst file under draft directory.
$ tinker -d "the First Post of mine"
$ ls drafts
After having finished editing your post and you are ready to post it, then it’s time to post. Following command will move RST file from draft directory to YYYY/MM/DD directory and be reflected in master.rst file.
$ tinker -p drafts/the_first_post_of_mine.rst
And build it to yield html file. Or you can revert back to draft if you find something needs to be modified.
$ LANG=C tinker -b
This will create HTML files under blog/html directory.
Copy files to publish directory and commit it.
$ cd publish
$ rsync -av ../blog/html/ .
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "first post"
Finally publish post to github. By the way, please be noted that you need to select not gh-pages branch but master branch for user’s blog. (It seems that there is a confusion about which branch to choose)
$ git push origin master
Please be patient, as it takes several minutes until posted page will come up. After a while, you can access your blog with URL of http://<account>
Hello World
How are you doing?