
very short memo

ipython setup on windows

Your life on windows platform will be much more convenient with ipython. Here is a short memo to setup ipython with enhanced console.

install python

Download current python installer. Python 3.3.1 seems to be one for now.

PATH environment variable

Append “C:Python33” to the end of PATH environment variable, so that one call python.

easy_install & pip

Obtain install script of easy_install and launch it for installation.

$ python

Append script folder, “C:Python33Scripts” to PATH environment variable as well. Now you can call easy_install.

Then install pip by easy_install.

$ easy_install pip


ipython requires pyreadline package, so install pyreadline.

$ pip install pyreadline


Now it’s ready for ipython installation.

$ pip install ipython

console enhancement

Install console enhancement. You can obtain current binary from project page.

Put it under, say, C:Console2 folder. And add this path to PATH environment variable so that you can start by calling “console”.