compare files recursively
I have to confess that I’m so ignorant...
You can compare all the files under 2 directories recursively by diff command with -r option.
For example,
$ diff -r <DIR_A> <DIR_B>
So easy. sigh...
distribute requests by URL on apache
what’s in your mind?
Suppose that you have contents built on sphinx. And you have already deployed it on apache instance.
Suppose that you would like to deploy another content. That is, you started blogging and would like to publish it on identical instance of apache.
You can configure apache instance so that it distributes content by given URL.
Let’s get started
You can create symbolic link to target directory under documentation root directory though, it seems to be quite raw. You can make use of “LocationMatch” directive.
Create configuration file, e.g. tinker.conf under /etc/httpd/conf.d directory so that httpd can evaluate request.
Alias /blog <TINKER_ROOT>/blog/html/
<LocationMatch "/blog/.*">
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Open Sesame!"
AuthUserFile <PATH_TO_PASS>/htpasswd
Require user lupin
All request for <SERVER>/blog/* will be routed to contents under <TINKER_ROOT>/blog/html directory. Replace <TINKER_ROOT> and <PATH_TO_PASS> as appropriate to meet your environment.
In this sample, we apply basic authentication for access to this content. And user “lupin” can view content if authentication succeeds.
Create password file for lupin by htpasswd command.
$ htpasswd -c htpasswd lupin
If you would like to allow access for other users, then add accounts to user list. You can append user names by separating them with white space.
Require user lupin fujiko jigen
And restart httpd so as to reflect changes above.
$ sudo service httpd restart
switching from HTTPS to SSH
Communication protocol for github can either be SSH or HTTPS. You can configure protocol to SSH so that ssh key shall be used for authentication. And you do not have to enter password every time you communicate with github.
URL, which includes protocol, is specified in .git/config file.
[remote "origin"]
url =<USERNAME>/<REPO>.git
So as to change URL, use “git remote set-url” command.
$ git remote set-url origin<USERNAME>/<REPO>.git
URL in config file shall be updated as specified in argument abvoe.
[remote "origin"]
url =<USERNAME>/<REPO>.git
Therefore you may be able to configure URL directly by modifying value in config file (not tested though :-)).