
very short memo

how to notify core file creation

Now you are able to configure system to yield core files for designated directory.

But there is no way to notice creation of core file (as apport has been disabled). Core files shall pile up silently behind the door. Repetition of core dump can easily consume disk space. You have to be careful and pay attention for such situation.

Let’s find out effective method to notify creation of core file.



inotify (inode notify) is a Linux kernel subsystem to notice changes on file system. (quoted from wiki) You can enjoy this functionality via inotify-tools package.

Installation is quite easy (as always).

$ apt-cache search inotify-tools
inotify-tools - command-line programs providing a simple interface to inotify
$ sudo apt-get install inotify-tools
$ inotifywa<TAB>
inotifywait   inotifywatch

You can make use of these tools to watch tagger directory and do some action(s). For example,

#!/usr/bin/env bash

while inotifywait -e create,modify /tmp; do
    echo "Lupin, something happened under /tmp directory"

Touching file “hi” under /tmp directory will yield.

$ ./
Setting up watches.
Watches established.
/tmp/ CREATE hi
Lupin, something happened under /tmp directory

In the above sample, inotifywait monitors following events:


You can monitor other events like OPEN/CLOSE/DELETE/ATTRIB. And if you would like to configure inotify* to monitor directory recursively, then you can use -r option for that sake.



Now we have a method of detection. Next item is means to notify you.

There is a tool called libnotify-bin, which sends message to notification daemon.

$ apt-cache search libnotify-bin
libnotify-bin - sends desktop notifications to a notification daemon (Utilities)
$ apt-get install libnotify-bin

As far as I checked, libnotify-bin has already been installed by default.

Sending a message will give you pop-up message on desktop.

$ for i in `seq 10 -1 0`
> do
> echo $i|festival --tts
> done && notify-send 'Ten Count! Knockout!'

You win!

automatic start upon login

It may not be appropriate to put here though, let’s make use of /etc/profile.d directory for automatic start up upon login.

Prepare a script, which launches inotifywait under the name of, say,

#!/usr/bin/env bash

while inotifywait -e create /var/cores; do
    notify-send -u critical "a new core file is created. Please check /var/cores directory"

Deploy another script under /etc/profile.d directory which launches former one.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

nohup <PATH>/ 1> /dev/null 2>&1 &

Please do not forget to run script in background. :-)
