
very short memo

lxc continued

Let us create virtual machine of your choice. Suppose that you would like to create an instance of ubuntu. (Please do not ask me reason why I need to run ubuntu on unbutu :-)).

$ sudo lxc-create -t ubuntu -n ubuntu01

As this command execution will download files, therefore first time execution may take time. So please wait for a while, say, by drinking coffee.

After successful execution, you will have an ubuntu instance named “ubuntu01”.

Ok, let us start lxc as daemon.

$ sudo lxc-start -n ubuntu01 -d

According to dhcp server (dnsmasq), may have been leased.

$ cat /var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.lxcbr0.leases
1379835957 00:16:3e:08:50:7f ubuntu01 *

Let us login via ssh. Default uid/password combination is ubuntu/ubuntu.

$ ssh -l ubuntu

Ok, network plan would be like this.
